Monday, March 19, 2012


     So the idealistic notion of writing a blog every month didn't quite happen...... yet! (how's that for procrastination.) Well I've been busy, so give me a break. Not to mention, there are some setbacks of living "in the bush." Instead of the typical bla bla bla blog, I plan to just mention some of the cool things. I do have a cell phone and I talk to people every so often, but I tend to forget that some of the daily routines done are a bit different than that of which I used to call a routine. I like lists, so here are the TOP TEN COOL THINGS ABLAYE DIAMANKA DOES EVERY FUCKIN DAY! (Ablaye is my name here if you haven't figured so.) 
  1. Drink coffee out of a contraption made from an empty cut up jar. (I call it coffee in jiffy, assuming jiffy means 15 minutes.)
  2. Ask people every morning if they are indeed awake (knowing full well that they are awake!)
  3. Pull water out of an open, hand dug well when I need to do anything involving water. (surprising as it may seem, a lot of things involve water.)
  4. Shit in a hole. (no explanation needed.)
  5. Wake up to a donkey alarm clock. (figuratively speaking. But seriously, someone should shut those things up at 5am.)
  6. Have a face to face conversation with someone while showering. (My bucket bath drains into the hole that I shit in.)
  7. Stargaze while bathing. (in my opinion is amazing)
  8. Chase donkeys, cattle, sheep, goats, chickens, and children out of my hut. (yes, I put children in the same category as goats.)
  9. Eat out of a hollowed out gourd.
  10. Eat food that looks partially (if not fully) digested.